Αἰὲν ἀριστεύειν Ancient Greek Homer
Nikos Nikolov Student | Full-Stack JavaScript Developer
Who I am in 2 minutes

Here, I am presenting to you my work and my skills that I have obtained on MIT xPRO course

My synoptic story

I am Nikos Nikolov and I am 16 years old. I was born and I still live in Greece, in the town of Veria, the town of peaches. It is 20 km far from Vergina, the city of Great Alexander.

I am coding from the age of 12, starting with the simple parts of coding such as HTML and CSS, to the difficult ones such as JavaScript and Nodejs. My father is owner to a networking and telephone business. He is the person that made me familiar with coding and from then I am learning new things, trying to apply them on code.

I am taking courses on MIT for coding and I am trying to be improved and better from time to time. I am still learning new things, some of them difficult, so I try to give my best and assimilate the whole knowledge I am receiving. I am a student of high school in Greece and my goal after ending my school studies is to make my undergraduate studies on US colleges such as MIT.

MIT xPRO projects
PacMen Factory

In this project you can see how PacMen are moving inside the screen corners. They are created by clicking the button that adds PacMen. The movement starts when clicking the button that starts the procedure. When PacMen hit corners they change direction, so no PacMan gets out of page borders.

GitHub repository
Eye Movement

In this project the two eyes that are presented on your webpage are moving in relationship with the movement of your mouse. Wherever you locate your mouse, the eyes are looking to it.

GitHub repository
Real Time Bus Tracker

In this project, by clicking the button that starts the route you are going to see a marker located at every single stop. Also, this stop is written on the header so you understand where the bus is. Moreover, all the data used are taken live by Washington Metropolitan Area Transit.

GitHub repository